The stability of food supply is an activity that is most sensitive to the changing climate and weather besides natural vegetation. Unfavourable climatic factors may lead to a significant decline and sometimes to the complete elimination of crops.
According to the World Bank, Climate Change Portal Mean annual temperature is projected to increase between 1.1° C and 2.5° C by the 2060s and 1.4° C and 4.6° C by the 2090s. Projections indicate that warming will be more significant in the northern part of Nigeria.
A consequence of the aforementioned is the reduction of feed consumption in poultry animals in response to high temperatures is closely associated with the severity and duration of exposure.
On World Earth Day, we join global, especially African communities to inform and educate on better practices to sustain our environment.
Better practices for sustainability ensure that food crops and Agricultural practices are not eliminated to sustain life on the planet.
Here are five ways you can help sustain the environment
Unplug: Chargers that remain plugged into the wall can suck energy even when the device is turned off or not plugged in at all.
Close doors to air-conditioned rooms: An open door to an air-conditioned building can let 2.2 tons of carbon dioxide escape over one summer, about as much as a car on a 5,000-mile road trip.
Use less power every day: This could be turning off lights, unplugging chargers and other appliances when not using them.
Cut less, Plant more to absorb harmful carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere.
Buy seasonal and local foods: Seasonal and local food cuts down on the energy needed to grow and transport it. Click here to shop in-season fruits.